Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Read The Fault In Our Stars? Now, watch the movie!

Was your weekend ‘washed out’ by the sweat in this scorching summer… or did you spend it sobbing in a dark movie theatre, hiding from everyone? The Fault In Our Stars, perhaps the most popular novel last amongst youths. The novel came out in the year 2013 and is accredited with multiple awards, which is now running in the theaters near you. If you like the book and want to see the characters in real as you might have imagined them while reading, but now it is a chance to visualize them with your naked eyes, so just make a plan for this movie and have a lovely weekend. Watch and compare the novel with the movie and see that if it met upto your expectations…also drop us a line about your review about it at

Do you like watching movies adapted from the books that you have cherished or you find it frustrating? “Why did they change THAT? It was the most important line in the book!” Do you think Hollywood has started targeting a safe audience for adaptations – i.e. fans of the book and gratifying them without even bothering much about the folks who haven’t read the books? For example, in the mind of a filmmaker there has always been an inch of doubt that if the audience have read a book or not in order to find his target market and the ones who are non readers could make sense of the movies. If you are the one who like to read and even like the adaptations of the novel..then just tell us here your favorite novels and adaptations, so that we can bring more review and tell you something about them which you have not noticed as yet.

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