Wednesday, 2 July 2014

The power of mind…

In the world of cosmos, where we have been created by this vast expanded universe, have you ever wondered how well do we all know about our creator, the universe? Plus, when we have been gifted by this so called universe with a unique attribute, the mind which renders us the power to think, now the question arises that how well do we know about this gift given to us by this universe and how well do we actually use it in our daily lives. Well, before you get into a race of running your mind’s horses, let me tell you this simple fact that mind has power to create its own realities and a universe for itself. There have been always such questions asked as who created whom, was it the universe which created mind or vice-versa, leaving us with our imaginations and knowledge. It has always been taught that the mind generates knowledge and thereafter creating generalities, which in turn unravels the secret of its own creator, which is better known as the universe and even structure a universe for itself, which is constantly evolving.

Mind, is otherwise stands as the crux through which universe governs and regulates its own evolutionary path. Moreover, the perfection of mind is mandatory for the right evolution of universe.

Ecological Healing

The healing of mind is when translated into ecological healing, it defines the saving of the living planet and humanity. It has been surveyed that the environmental pollution and ecological disruption are the consequences of polluted mind and this fact is unraveled by Henryk Skolimowski’s theory, which states the mind in human beings have the magical potential to create and reform the universe. It says that the mind mends and heals itself, provided the fact that it is nurtured with the right philosophy. The mind does not mend and heal itself; but also contributes in healing the tormented planet as well. To this Henryk has stated, “The healing of the world and of ourselves within and a new understanding of universe are complementary aspects of the same process”. Thus, it becomes obvious that the virtues of the mind are the virtues of the world in which we usually find ourselves indulged in, and vice-versa.

The Participatory Mind

Henryk’s philosophy of participatory mind will assist us in realizing the central role of the mind in designing new cosmologies, ontologies and in determining social behavior or an individual. This theory tells that the mind is central to everything, every process and phenomenon and this universe is also a product of the mind for it shapes it and makes a space for us to live in.

A Holistic View

To wrap up with this, I would like to add a little in it, with the help of science with its holistic view in recognition with its inter connection with nature of its existence. A new mind in the universe appears to be evolving caressed by the universe, which will further help create a universe with a new world blossoming with happiness and completeness of life.

To know more about healing the world with the tactics of the mind stay tuned with Lelobooks, an online bookstore in India; and browse some spiritual books at the bookstore and avail some attractive discounts on your favorite books.

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