Thursday, 14 August 2014

Reminiscing India Indepence Movement with literary gems

Here is a call for the readers as every reader and a book lover has his taste or I would rather say his favorite subject. And, in my context, I must confess that I like books that evokes a feeling of patriotism in me and recall me about the independence movement. As these books, not only help me to get a better understanding of the history of India but also evokes a feeling in me to do something for the nation. To add this subject in my taste, I would say blame it on my background being involved in the Independence movement, my grandfather in person.
Thus, on the eve of Independence Day, I could not think of a better time to come out with the best books with my top 3 titles on Indian Independence Eve. Read on and celebrate the eve of Independence Day.

The book mainly centers around the movement of India Independence, during the time between 1946 and 1948. The novel includes the series of events that happened during the period and are worthy of this book being categorized as the historical one. The book has been written with an extensive research and provides incredible details that has been never revealed. The book is highly recommended on India Independence and partition. The book also includes interviews of Lord Mountbatten, the last viceroy of British India.

The book is brisk, racy and the incident-laden narration, from the founding of the Indian National Congress to the period of independence, attained by India. The explanation has been perfectly given, as has given a great feel to the book. Do not get intimidated by its size and yes, it has revealed the likes of Gandhiji and Lord Mountbatten, which seems to be worse.

The novel has been penned by John Keay, an English journalist and author, who is specialized in writing popular histories about India, particularly focussing on the colonization and discovery by Europeans. In “India: A history”. In this book, John provides a panoramic view starting from the cities of Harappa and Mohenjodaro of the Indus Valley civilizations all the way to the current modern India. The book is a great guide for the history students in India

If you have more good books that need to be reviewed, do let us know at lelobooks, an online bookstore in India. Stay tuned for the reviews of great literary gems!

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