Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Steering the Dating World: Ladies Please! Dating Truths by a Man by Jose Covaco

Ladies Please! Dating Truths by a Man, penned by MTV’s VJ Jose Covaco is a self help book tended for the broken hearted as well as people struggling in the dating world. As you will flip the pages of this book, you will discover

The book starts off with a detailed description of the author’s various failed relationships and further it will tell you about the various stereotypes of dating in India and how it is different from western countries. The author then gives us a horrendously long guidebook of do’s and don’ts of dating.

However, I am sure that the book might help some people with the whole dating game as Jose has tried his level best to provide females a glimpse of what’s going on inside the mind of a man. I personally find it very boring. It feels like you are reading an instruction manual of what to do and what not to to bag a date.
Then, while you will flip the pages you will discover that there is a lot of repetition of content and the book could easily have been written with less pages and with repetition it has left me perplexed me at various moments. There is not much for learning about women in this book, as the author says women are mysterious (which I think every individual is, be it a female or a ,male). The writing style could have been better. The book is humorous and also contains sarcastic remarks, but sometimes it seemed to get a bit wily and desiccated Besides all this, you can see that Covaco has put in a lot of effort into this book and has done a commendable job.

If you are one of those, who is trying a lot to find a date, but is left in vain, then just go for it, never know if it works for you. To get more reviews, stay tuned with Lelobooks, an online bookstore in India

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