Friday, 4 April 2014

A Tale of E-books and E-book Readers

Even in this techno savvy world, most of us like to read good old printed books, the dead tree editions. However,s  we can also see the changes with the transformation from the printed ones to the online ones. As e-books are gradually picking up with the famous bookstores like Amazon, Flipkart, Lelobooks, Google, which are trying to give a boost to the e-books. Now in this cut-throat competition an author needs to know what will make a reader to buy his book. It has been surveyed that the search engines help the users to find availability and prices of the books and helps to provide you with your respective answers.
It has been surveyed that the online readers has the temptation of buying an e-book and below find the reasons of their temptation to buy a book. According to a survey, the readers have been classified as light readers (36%), obsessive readers (20% and serious readers (30%) and the rest of the people fall in the group of non-readers who hardly read books.
Now the question arises that what would be the element that would tempt you to buy an e-book? The studies show that 46% of the readers, which fall in the category of light readers and 44% of the readers who fall in the category of serious readers of the nation actually look up to the e-books and even wait for their prices to fall so that they can acquire their books. The obsessive readers for whom price does not matter for the sake of his/her change of lifestyle.
Then, there a point of the format of a readable. As studies say that 52% of the readers prefer print to electronic ink. Thus, it is evident that light readers who read very less is open to experiment with changing their reading formats from traditional  paper to the electronic medium.
Those who have not bought an e-book yet, here is your answer! 61 % of the readers have not bought an e-book due to its prices and the moment prices fall they buy it.  Especially the serious readers are concerned about the prices and there is just 15% of light readers rather prefer to buy an equivalent electronic device.
Now the question arises which e-book would you buy?
According to surveys, 85% of the respondents pls consider the content of the Kindle books and just 9% would go and seek for a cheaper option. 

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