Friday, 11 April 2014

Until you Might not be the One for You......!!!!!

Normally I am one of those people who like every book they say, as I am a firm believer that no issue how one expresses what they believe in, it is more important that a person come up with the words they have in mind and let the other be a part of the same as well. Only then again books like this make me think again, that is it ok to mention just good words about every volume I read, or should I sometime use the tone I never liked to play with.
The very first fact I commented about this book is, the writer has wasted a lot words to just excuse us the sites and people we never matched again for long hours and while I am a big fan of romances and mysteries and crime thrillers, this book really fits in none.
In earnest, I mean, how can you predict a book as a secret when you know from the very start who the ‘bad man’ is, I know – I recognize you are finding it really difficult to relate to the book, but do not concern at all as below are a few more facts about the same which can help you produce a much clear image.
Allow me begin with word facts, this book is 40,000 words long, I mean exactly how can you register a book this long and still find as if something is missing at the conclusion. As a matter of fact, in the last few chapters I felt equally if the author was in a hurry and while attempting to feed every sing fact she missed out many on the way.
You’ll feel as if most of the questions has not been answered, all in all complete story is actually dragging in the start and to make things catch up later writer has missed that the whole reason why we are reading this book, which is we would like to enjoy the time and the story we have put so much effort purchasing in.
Our primary characters are repeating their words, seriously, I mean I was almost to kill Conor O'Neil because of his repeated use of LIED.
If you’ll check out online they’ll say this is a tale where two people get together to attain their future a fairy tail, but if you’ll ask me all I have to say is please try and think some other script. Equally there are many which might not have come from the house of a best selling author but are far more well read.
Fatally, all I would like to note at the end is this is something I never expected from a best selling writer, my expectations when I picked this record were high but all were flushed in the first chapter itself.

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